Best Organic Honey in India

In today’s world of adulteration, Jungle Sting brings to you, straight from the laps of nature to your home, the nectarine sweetness of ‘madhu’ and many other products.

Jungle Sting brings to you, the rarest and purest Best Organic Honey in India from the oldest mountain ranges of the world “ARAVALLI” and from the dense forest of “SATPURA NATIONAL PARK”. Our honey is  Raw and unprocessed and is collected by Bharai Tribals (M.P.) for Satpura Forest Honey and Garasias Tribes (Rajasthan) for Aravalli Forest honey are trained from generations by their forefathers to extract honey hygienically, cutting only the part of hive which contain honey, leaving the rest of hive intact. These tribals crawl in the jungle, climb rocks and climb the tallest of the trees to get your favourite raw forest honey to your table. Our raw honey is 100% natural with no flavour, treatment, or additives. With the nectar of more than 60+ floral plants. The honey produced by honey bees is raw with many health advantages.

Our Raw forest honey is a superfood that is packed with an extended list of health benefits for several reasons.

  • Environment Friendly: We at Jungle Sting give environment care our topmost priority
  • No processing: We undertake no filtering, heating, processing or treatment of any kind for the forest honey that we collect.
  • Wildflower honey: Our natural honey is derived from rare wildflowers that blossom in the jungles from December to April.
  • Tribals Upliftments: Since we work closely with tribals, we share a strong bond with them and support them for their upliftments.
  • Nutritious: Since it’s a Raw forest honey it is considered more nutritious.
  • Great Superfood: Honey bees found in these forests are rare Apis dorsata Giant Honeybee. Raw honey produced by these amazing creatures has a higher amount of enzymes, amino acids and mineral contents than that produced by other species found in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world 
  • Premium Quality Packaging: we have unique and the best quality packing in the world with glass bottles with wooden caps and honey dippers in it.