Herbal Tea, Olive Tea

11 Benefits of Lemongrass Olive Tea

lemongrass Olive Tea natural benefits by Jungle Sting

In the realm of herbal teas, olive lemongrass tea stands out as a delectable and invigorating beverage brimming with a plethora of potential health benefits. This unique concoction, crafted from the leaves of the olive tree and the lemongrass plant, boasts a rich history of medicinal use and has garnered widespread recognition for its remarkable properties.

Unveiling the Essence of Olive Lemongrass Tea

It is a meticulously prepared from the dried leaves of the olive tree, renowned for its esteemed role in Mediterranean cuisine and its abundance of beneficial compounds, and the lemongrass plant is revered for its refreshing citrusy aroma and its array of purported health advantages. The harmonious blend of these two botanical treasures results in a tea with a light, citrusy flavor and a hint of sweetness, making it a delightful addition to any tea enthusiast’s repertoire.

A Treasure Trove of Health Benefits

Olive lemongrass tea is not merely a delightful beverage; it is a treasure trove of potential health benefits, each sip offering a wealth of wellness-enhancing properties.

  1. Combating Inflammation’s Grip: Olive lemongrass tea is armed with compounds that effectively combat inflammation, a root cause of numerous chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. By reducing inflammation, this tea promotes overall well-being and diminishes the risk of these debilitating conditions.
  2. Easing Anxiety’s Grip: For those grappling with anxiety and stress, olive lemongrass tea offers a soothing sanctuary. Its calming effect stems from compounds that bind to GABA receptors in the brain, inducing a sense of tranquillity and alleviating anxious thoughts.
  3. Lowering Cholesterol Levels: Olive lemongrass tea extends its beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system by effectively lowering cholesterol levels. This property helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, a leading cause of mortality worldwide.
  4. Aiding in Weight Loss Efforts: For those striving for a healthier physique, olive lemongrass tea may serve as a valuable ally. Its ability to boost metabolism and promote thermogenesis, the body’s process of generating heat, suggests that it may aid in weight loss endeavours.
  5. Protecting Against Gastric Ulcers: Olive lemongrass offers a protective shield against gastric ulcers, a common digestive ailment. Its ability to reduce stomach acid production helps to prevent the formation of these painful lesions.
  6. Alleviating Pain: Olive lemongrass possesses analgesic properties, making it a potential remedy for pain management. Its compounds have been shown to effectively alleviate discomfort, providing relief from various aches and pains.
  7. Fortifying the Immune System: Olive lemongrass acts as a guardian of the immune system, providing an arsenal of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body’s defences against infections and illnesses.
  8. Enhancing Digestion: Olive lemongrass lends a helping hand to the digestive system, promoting efficient nutrient absorption and overall digestive wellness. Its compounds stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, ensuring that the body effectively breaks down food.
  9. Relieving Bloating: For those experiencing uncomfortable bloating, olive lemongrass offers a welcome respite. Its ability to reduce gas and bloating provides relief from digestive distress and promotes abdominal comfort.
  10. Detoxifying the Body: lemongrass tea, with its abundance of antioxidants, acts as a natural detoxifier, helping to eliminate harmful toxins from the body and promoting overall health.
  11. Promoting Relaxation: lemongrass tea is a haven for those seeking tranquillity. Its calming effect, induced by compounds that promote relaxation, helps to reduce stress, ease anxiety, and foster a sense of inner peace.

Surpassing Green Tea: A Distinct Advantage

Olive lemongrass stands out from its counterpart, green tea, by offering several distinct advantages:

  • Caffeine-Free Serenity: Unlike green tea, olive lemongrass tea is naturally caffeine-free, making it an ideal choice for those who experience adverse effects from caffeine, such as anxiety and insomnia.
  • Sweetened Delight: While green tea often possesses a slightly bitter flavor that may be unappealing to some, olive lemongrass tea offers a delightful alternative with its subtly sweet and citrusy notes.
  • Antioxidant Abundance: Both olive lemongrass tea and green tea are rich sources of antioxidants, but olive lemongrass tea takes the lead, boasting an even higher concentration of these beneficial compounds.

Can I make this tea at home? 

Yes, you can make tea using  Jungle Sting olive lemongrass tea bags. Simply follow the instructions on the package, which typically involve steeping the teabag in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Jungle sting olive lemongrass tea is a refreshing and flavorful blend of olive and lemongrass leaves that can provide a variety of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved anxiety, lower cholesterol, and enhanced weight loss.

Here are the steps on how to make tea using  Jungle Sting olive lemongrass tea bags:

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Place one tea bag in a mug.
  3. Pour the boiling water over the teabag.
  4. Allow the tea to steep for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove the tea bag and enjoy your tea!

You can also sweeten your tea with honey, sugar, or other sweeteners to taste.

Here are some additional tips for making Jungle Sting’s olive lemongrass tea:

  • For a stronger flavor, use two teabags.
  • For a milder flavor, steep the tea bag for a shorter time.
  • You can also add other herbs and spices to your tea, such as ginger, cardamom, or cinnamon.
  • Olive lemongrass tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. For a cold brew, simply steep the tea bag in cold water overnight.

Enjoy your delicious and healthy cup of Jungle Sting olive lemongrass tea!

Where to Purchase?

  • Online retailers: You can buy online from junglesting.com
  • Health food stores: You can also find Jungle Sting’s products at many health food stores and retail outlets.



OLT has emerged as a harmonious blend of exquisite flavors and a wealth of potential health benefits, elevating it to a beverage of exceptional value. Its ability to combat inflammation, alleviate anxiety, lower cholesterol, and aid in weight loss positions it as a valuable addition to any wellness regimen.

Furthermore, this tea’s remarkable versatility extends beyond its internal benefits, encompassing a delightful sensory experience. Its refreshing citrusy aroma and smooth, delicate flavor captivate the senses, transporting one to a realm of serenity and tranquillity.

As you embark on a journey towards holistic well-being, consider incorporating OLT into your daily routine. Allow each sip to nourish your body and soothe your mind, paving the way for a life infused with vitality and balance. Embrace the profound wisdom of nature, and discover its restorative power.

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